Love or Fear - Meditation
Love or Fear - Meditation
Love or Fear
Releasing is an ongoing process, releasing all that does not serve us. What does that mean, release? It is letting go of something, an idea, a memory, a relationship, but with that letting go is also a release of the energy around it, energy that may not be needed any longer. For example, if there was a pattern of disengagement with a friend and you were hurt by this situation, the pain and hurt can be a wound (energy) that stays in our consciousness, relating to that person or to the situation that brought it on. It is a wound until we understand why the experience helped us to grow. And sometimes this happens at a conscious level sometimes unconscious. And when we energetically hold on to things, consciously or subconsciously, it limits our ability to grow and overcome whatever it is that happened.
We learn from things, situations, experiences, in that they become reminders of what we would not want again, but sometimes we never understand or re-negotiate the context of what happened. This can remain in the body's energy field or in the memory for life.
Today we are clearing these concepts and clearing any places where fear entered into our experience. When we experience fear we are releasing chemicals into the brain and nervous system that cycle us back into a state of fear with just the memory of that situation. Releasing fear is how we heal and when we can see the reason for our fear we can shift to love and trust, releasing the fear. When we trust that we will not be harmed again, or something will not occur or affect us in the same way, we can be loving to ourselves and all involved, knowing this was a part of life and part of our learning that became wisdom in our life now.
Releasing fear and accepting love. This is how we grow.
Blessings Always,