I Am - Meditation

I Am - Meditation

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I Am

In this time of equinox we are entering a phase of letting go and going within, preparing for new growth, like a tree shedding it's leaves and preparing for winter. And when we see the tree in winter, without leaves, it may look dormant and still, but it's not, it is preparing for what's ahead, fortifying, strengthening and returning to it's roots.

As we move into this season of shedding and going within, honor the body's need to rest and restore and allow all that is in our nature to return to us, and all that returns to us naturally fortifies and sustains us in this most important time in our experience.

Today's meditation goes within, finding the stillness in the breath and stillness within. Finding an awareness in the presence and in the moment, to allow for divine truths to settle in as we strengthen and fortify, to rest and restore for the phase of growth within.

As always, in love and light,
