Unconditional Love - Meditation
Unconditional Love - Meditation
Unconditional Love
We live in a world where we think of love as a relationship between people or a condition of the heart. This is human love, and it is conditional love; I love you because....you are my daughter, you are my lover, you mean something to me or bring me into a space of feeling and being better than I was, without you.
Love exists as a benefit of a circumstance or situation instead of unconditionally. Love can mature to an unconditional state but love in and of itself remains conditional.
As we grow in our capacity to hold love within our consciousness, we expand our awareness of love. We become expanded and see love and feel love for the Earth, for the the flowers, for nature, for the sense of connection between humans within an organized group, or loving a nation or an organized entity working to create a better world, this love, this regard, is true reverence for someone or something that is transcending the human experience and moving toward an expanded consciousness, awareness that we are all connected and that all love is more a connection and a vibration and less an act of relationship.
Relationships that develop can become a partnership of two souls becoming aligned together to explore life and these souls form a connection that transcends the singular soul and becomes a larger force for the expansion of that relationship. In this way love exists in families, in relationships, in attitudes and in feelings, and as we grow it also becomes a way of being, emanating love from the heart for all of life itself.