Spiritual Bypassing

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Spiritual bypassing is a concept that describes using “spirituality” as a way to skip the true and authentic healing and growth that comes out of our experiences in life. A way of sweeping things under the carpet, or not looking at the darker painful fearful or shameful aspects of us, as opportunities for growth.

Our work, as humans, is to live and learn. To be an expression of the soul, and in that expression experience all that life brings us. The soul’s path is to complete itself and to experience every facet of life, through you, and in this life all that comes to us is to elevate our consciousness, to elevate our awareness and help us evolve as conscious beings.

We are here to grow and in that growth we can’t overlook how we are feeling and what we are experiencing, knowing that struggle and pain are part of the reality of life and that experience, is our teacher, and that living authentically is to live out and experience all of it, not to push through it or put it aside.

We must remember to be fluid, that all experience flows through us in natural cycles, and in that we experience, we learn, we grow, and this is the natural cycle with all of life. We must embody all of our experiences as who we are, for what they taught us, bringing us wisdom and strength. We all embody this, we all carry dark and light aspects of ourselves. We all are working through the shadow, we are collectively working through the shadow, the aspects of us that cause us to grow, that help us grow, the separation that holds us in the space of growth, and where the light begins to shine as we evolve in our consciousness.

Spiritual maturity is living in light. Is seeing the lessons, learning through them and from them and using that wisdom to navigate the next experience and the next. This is ascension. As we embody our wisdom, use our knowledge, release our pain and struggle, we ascend to higher states of consciousness and higher vibrational states, allowing us to create and manifest form a conscious loving evolved state of be-ing, as a way-shower, a light worker, vibrating high enough that our vibration becomes the radiance that ignites another. It is though our be-ing that we share our light.

Alison Pulito