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Reiki energy healing

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Reiki is a beautiful ancient Japanese energy healing method which taps into life force energy. Reiki promotes stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by the laying of hands. this is where the beautiful healing life force energy flows through the Reiki practitioner's hands- life force energy is the energy that causes us to be alive.. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy.

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words - Rei which means God's wisdom or the Higher Power, and Ki which is life force energy. Reiki is actually spiritually guided life force energy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including the body mind and spirit, creating beneficial effects that include relaxation and feeling of peace and well being. All Reiki energy works to balance the body mind and spirit.


During Reiki sessions I am able to see and feel the energy and receive information from guides about the source of imbalance in the body and receive messages which may aide in healing. Often experiences from the past are stored in the body and can limit us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Using energy healing and awareness we can work to heal the imbalances and grow. Sometimes Reiki is a relaxing and soothing therapy, sometimes it clears and balances, sometimes it is the opening to healing the source of dis-ease, sometimes it prompts awakening. Each client comes with individual blueprint in the body and the highest and best good is what is channeled for the client.

Energy creates a pathway to healing.  By aligning body, mind and spirit we open to a life path that becomes easy, a path where we find flow— a place where we can access and trust our intuition, where synchronicity occurs and our spiritual potential is realized.

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis, is a technique of hypnosis created by Dolores Cannon which she developed and refined over her 45 year career as a regressive (past life regression) hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHHT started, with the exploration of Past Lives. 

Over time, Dolores observed clients having experiences that could not be explained with our understanding.  As she observed this we Collectively began to open to an expanded view and expanded consciousness. We began to understand more about the soul and concluded that more than past lives are available to experience. 


Through Quantum Hypnosis, people can experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets and Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people even visit the spirit side and have experiences and REMEMBRANCES of lives in between.

It focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to experience what is needed at the time for healing or specific for their consciousness.


Any number of reasons! ​Some people are looking for help with healing, a physical issue or disease. Other people have emotional issues or relationship problems and others want to know what their life purpose is or if they are on the right path. Still, others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers.


QHHT sessions are generally 2 to 3 hours long. The practitioner and the client discuss many aspects of life and explore some of the questions and conditions that the client would like to understand while also, setting intention for the session.

The client then is brought to a treatment table, made comfortable while the practitioner begins relaxation practices such as breath wor.

to help relax.  The session begins with visualizations. Most clients do not remember the session so it is recorded so that they can listen to it many times afterwards. The practitioner continues the session by organizing information and ask  questions to prompt exploration and delve into the experience. QHHT is an interactive experience but the story and the experience is The clients own journey. It will be totally unique to you.

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Intuitive Energy Healing is a mixture of talk therapy and coaching along with intuitive reading and energetic healing. The typical session involves a discussion and overview of the specific situation, including any areas of concern and any physical emotional and spiritual dis-ease. Intuitive healing is an alternative practice that differs from reikie in that it relies on the use of intuition and energy to locate and correct imbalances in the energy flow within the body.

my client's spirit guides, angels, ancestors and higher power work together with the me to create balance and integration of the body, mind, spirit and life path the soul is here to follow, creating integration of the life path and the body mind and spirit. this creates flow and connection to the higher power and offers specific guidance for the client.

Healing energy comes directly from the highest spiritual sources. While Reiki, Divine Energy and other channeled energy techniques are all forms of healing and help to find and correct energetic imbalances to create energetic flow within the body which in turn, helps us to heal, physically. 

Emotional, physical and karmic energy can affect the subtle energy field.   Healing the subtle energy field and healing + balancing chakras will align you with yours so that you are able to be your true self.  If you are on a spiritual path, this alignment allows for greater guidance and intuition. By allowing energy to flow you can have a life filled with joy, beauty and peace.  

A life that is yours to create.

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